~Happy New Year~

Hi my dear readers! Yes, the radio silence has been a bit overwhelming lately. I’ve been reading to be sure but nothing to write home about. Certainly nothing blog worthy. Had a bit of a disappointment with a Naomi Ragen book that I hoped to review for the blog but didn’t finish, didn’t even get twenty pages into it to be honest. The blog hasn’t been from my mind but too many other things have been taking my time away from it. From work becoming more and more intense because it’s the end of the calendar year, to the wedding planning becoming more and more on the forefront of my time, to dealing with countless emotional and open spaces left by my mother’s passing,  I just haven’t had the time or energy to keep up. You guys probably have noticed that I haven’t been engaging much either.

However, I love this blog and I love this little community that I’ve become a part of and I would  miss it too much not to participate in it. So my New Year’s resolution is to bring back my attention to this blog and to bring new readers into my own little blog community. It may be rocky somewhat as time comes closer and closer to my May wedding and my job goes through the ups and down of busyness bu I am in it to stick it out. So please bear with me as I ease my way back in.


Filed under Personal Reflections

3 responses to “~Happy New Year~

  1. Take it easy and Happy New Year, Eugenia! Best! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Barb Knowles

    I’ve just discovered this blog so I truly want to read your previous posts as well as ones you have yet to write. It sounds like you have a lot going on, but I went through a period of writing less frequently so I certainly understand that. I hope you can fit time for lots of blogging into your schedule. 😃😃

    Liked by 1 person

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